Sunday, January 12, 2020

Saffron Cauliflower

Saffron Cauliflower
Saffron is one of those spices that should be discarded after a year because it loses its aroma and flavour. I often use saffron as a substitute for turmeric powder. In this case, cauliflower and potatoes were cooked with white poppy seed paste and saffron, which imparts a beautiful golden hue. Serve as a side dish with steamed rice, chapatis or tortillas.

1 cauliflower, separated into florets
1 russet/baking potato, cut in chunks
4 Tbsp. mustard or vegetable oil
1/2 tsp. nigella/kalo jeera seeds
2 green chilies, minced
2 green chilies, slit
1 Tbsp. ginger paste
6 Tbsp. white poppy seeds/posto
2 pinches of Spanish saffron threads
salt to taste


  1. Grind poppy seeds and a pinch of saffron in a blender to a powder, add a cup of water and blend to a paste with 1/2 tsp. of salt and a green chili that's broken in half.
  2. Heat 2 Tbsp. mustard oil in a skillet, fry cauliflower along with a pinch of saffron until golden brown, remove from skillet and set aside.
  3. In the same oil, brown potatoes, remove from skillet and set aside.
  4. Add remaining oil to skillet and sputter nigella seeds and minced green chilies over medium-high heat. 
  5. Add ginger paste and stir-fry for 2 minutes.
  6. Return fried cauliflower and potatoes to skillet along with a cup of simmering water and cook until vegetables soften.
  7. Add posto along with the water in which it was blended and stir gently until vegetables are coated with the paste.
  8. Lower heat to medium-low, adjust salt to taste, cover and simmer for 5 minutes.
  9. Give it a final stir, garnish with slit green chilies and remove from heat.
Serve as a side dish with steamed rice, chapatis or tortillas.

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