Thursday, March 14, 2019

Gota Sheddo - Lentil & Vegetable Stew

Gota Sheddo
Gota (whole) Sheddo (boil) is a lentil and vegetable stew in which the vegetables are left whole or cut in big chunks. It's a ceremonial dish, both vegetarian and vegan, that uses green (unhusked) mung beans, a combination of 3 or 5 vegetables, minimal oil, fennel seeds and strips or slices of fresh ginger. Pictured here are red salad radishes, whole baby potatoes, chunks of Japanese eggplant, whole jalapeno peppers and sweet potatoes. All the ingredients are placed in a pressure cooker with a cup of water and cooked under pressure for 10 minutes. It's best served with steamed rice.

1/2 cup green mung bean lentils, washed and soaked overnight
a variety of 3 or 5 vegetables, left whole or cut in big chunks
4 Tbsp. oil
salt to taste
3 bay leaves
1 tsp. fennel seeds
2 knobs ginger, peeled and sliced
1 tsp. ghee (optional for vegans)
3-4 green chilies, slit

  1. Place all ingredients in pressure cooker and stir to distribute salt.
  2. Bring to a boil, cover and cook under pressure for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove pressure cooker from heat and allow to depressurize naturally.
  4. Open cooker, stir and garnish with ghee and green chilies.
Serve with steamed rice.

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