Saturday, August 31, 2013

Burmese Eggplant Skin Cooked with Dried Anchovies

I concocted this dish one day when my husband brought home 4 huge eggplants from the market. I decided on 3 different preparations of eggplant, a salad, stir-fried eggplant & potatoes with lots of onions & tomatoes, and begun bhaja or pan-fried eggplant. In a hurry to get the cooking done, I thought the stir-fried dish would cook faster if I peeled the 2 eggplants, but I didn't want to throw the peels away and came up with this delicious dish. The peels were full of texture and so tasty when cooked with the anchovies.

Peels of 2 large eggplant, sliced thinly
6 Tbsp. vegetable oil 
2 large onions, peeled & sliced
6 cloves garlic, sliced
1 tsp. chili powder
1 (8 oz.) package dried anchovies
2 red chilies, diced
1 stalk green onions, sliced
salt to taste

  1. Heat oil over medium-high heat; fry chili powder, onions & garlic until translucent.
  2. Add dried anchovies & eggplant strips and stir well.
  3. Cover and simmer over medium heat for about 10 minutes or until the peels and anchovies are cooked.
  4. Adjust salt to taste and garnish with chilies & green onions.
  5. Transfer to a serving dish and serve with steamed Basmati rice.

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