Thursday, April 28, 2022

Angel Hair Spaghetti and Dace in Black Bean Sauce


Noodles with Dace
in Black Bean Sauce

After reading this article, I was hooked on Dace and finally found a 3-pack on eBay. I hesitate to use spaghetti when cooking Chinese food, but it worked exceptionally well in this recipe. There was a lot of excitement on a Facebook food page about fried dace in black bean sauce, so I watched the YouTube video, made my own adjustments and produced a rich noodle dish that was brimming over with umami.


1 (6.5 oz.) can Fried Dace with Salted Black Beans, broken into bite-sized pieces
2 servings angel hair pasta, cooked al dente
2 large onions, sliced
6 cloves garlic, minced
4 dried red chilies, left whole
salt to taste

  1. Pour oil from canned dace into a skillet and stir-fry dried chilies, onions and garlic.
  2. Add fish pieces and pasta, and toss until the pasta is coated with the oil and fish.
  3. Season with salt to taste and serve hot.

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